GAUMONT GRAPHIC 439 (fragment) [Main]

Vuosi: 1915
Kesto: 1 min
Kuvaus: The men parade and march in the courtyard outside the building. The caption says that they are being inspected by General Galopin, but he is not clearly identifiable.
Newsreel item on French troops at the Invalides, Paris, spring 1915.
Avainsanat: EFG1914 / World War I / Galopin (General) / French Army / ceremonies, French - display / 31/3(44) / Les Invalides, Paris, Département de Ville de Paris, France
Sisältölähde: Imperial War Museums
Oikeudet: In Copyright / Imperial War Museums
Tuotantoyhtiö: Gaumont
Väri: Black & White
Sound: Without sound